Confidentiality and Privacy
I offer a professional, confidential and discreet service and will not disclose client details to any third parties. 
I only post before & after images on social media always with a client's consent.
I am fully insured for public liability and professional indemnity with Westminster Insurance.
  I will handle items with care. The client acknowledges that I will not be held liable for any losses or damage caused with their engagement. It is assumed that the client will have his or her own household insurance to cover any unforeseen loss or damage to property.
I will offer advice, which is believed to be in the best interest of the client at that time. I can not accept responsibility for the actions the client takes on the basis of that advice, or any consequences which result of that action.  I can not offer advice on monetary value of artwork or other items of special value or rarity. Clients are advised to seek their own valuations of any items before letting them go.
Safety and Disposal
I can not move or lift heavy items. I can help organise this additional service with an independent sub-contractor with the clients approval and fees of removal to be paid by the client.
I do not offer a cleaning service however I will undertake some light cleaning to assist the decluttering and organising process, for example, dusting shelves. If your property has restricted access or is unsafe I reserve the right to cancel the agreement but I will offer advice to another party who may be able to help.
It is the client's decision whether to keep any items or let them go. I will offer to take one car load of items to be disposed of or donated responsibly. I am committed to keeping as much as possible out of landfill.
Payment Terms
A booking is a minimum 4 hour session slot, most sessions last 4-6 hours. This is usually enough time for me to declutter/organise or stage an average room.
After the session I will send you an invoice by email which can be paid by bank transfer. If you would like to continue a session for longer than the pre-agreed period, this will be charged at my hourly rate. 
Subcontractor management fee charged at 20%
In unforeseen circumstance both parties have the right to cancel the contract. I will try and rearrange a cancelled appointment wherever possible. If the appointment is cancelled, by the client, with less than 24 hours notice of the agreed date and time, then no refund will be given.
I am registered with the ICO and APDO. Association Of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (UK) and I abide by their Code of Conduct